The sports world is one where athletes and fans are growing further apart, but this is just one issue we are trying to solve. Additional problems include:
Athletes lack the ability or system to recognise and reward their most loyal fans
Athletes lack a platform that allows the everyday fan to access their lives in a simple & retail user-friendly fashion.
There is no platform that incorporates athlete tokens within an eco-system that ties into real-world, athlete benefits.
Athletes often sign brand-damaging deals or promote third-party products out of necessity, often turning off fans to their content
Fans feel disengaged and distant from their favourite athletes
An athlete’s brand is often controlled by 3rd parties
Fans have no one place to go for all their athlete/sports updates, with their feeds spread over multiple platforms
Fans want to show their support in more ways than just event attendance & social media likes.
Fans are consuming athlete content that they have no say over
Many athletes struggle to make an income, build a brand and create a fan community when starting out or post-retirement.
A number of athletes suffer online social media abuse, which can have a huge effect on their mental health.
Fans have no means to access once-in-a-lifetime experiences with athletes.
Athletes are unable to work on projects directly with their fans, e.g. charity projects
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